Mission Statement

To improve lives and seek cures for those affected by ichthyosis and related skin types.

Core Values
Compassion - We are a caring organization recognizing the unique challenges faced by our community and will provide support with kindness and empathy.

Hope - While celebrating today's strengths and successes, we strive to convey to all individuals affected by ichthyosis that the future will be filled with friendship, support and a cure for ichthyosis.

Integrity - We will conduct ourselves in a trustworthy, ethical, and reliable manner in everything we do and say.

Responsiveness - We provide accurate and timely information about ichthyosis to meet the medical, social and educational needs of our community.

Inclusion Statement

The membership of FIRST and the greater ichthyosis community represent the vast spectrum of human existence.  We cannot and will not tolerate bigotry towards one group while advocating for the often marginalized and minimized members of our own community.   FIRST's mission is to "improve lives and seek cures for those affected by ichthyosis and related skin types". There are no exclusions.  We seek cures and to improve lives for ALL those affected, including those who identify as LGBTQIA.  We celebrate diversity and will continue to grow and take the right steps as an organization to ensure we exist as a safe place serving and welcoming all.

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